North Bennington Outdoor Sculpture Show

North Bennington Outdoor Sculpture Show

Saturday, June 17, 2023
4:00 PM - 8:00 PM

48 Main Street, North Bennington, VT 05257

+50 Sculptures, North Bennington
+25 Sculptures, Bennington Museum
Map, scroll down or click here!

Artist info, scroll down!
Live Music, Beard & Glasses

This event is accessible, free and open to the public.

Self-guided online sculptures map

Artist & sculpture info, photos, and how to get there.

Download the Otocast App or click the link.

2023 Artists

hover over to the photo to view the artist name

2023 Artists

1. Alisa Del Tufo
2. Anna Radocchia*
3. Anthony Cafritz
4. Beriah Wall
5. Bill Botzow**
6. Blaze Konefal
7. Bob Pavlik*
8. Bob Turan*
9. Bob Keating
10. Brian Johnston
11. Bruce Hasse
12. Calvin Hubbard
13. Chris Miller
14. Christopher Froehlich (2 in NB)
15. Christopher Yockey
16. Dave Channon **
17. David Skora**
18. Dejan Pejovic**
19. Dylan Spencer Kenney
20. Ethan Beal-Brown
21. Gary Humphreys
22. Gerald Tuckman*
23. Greg Didyoung**
24. Gregory Smith
25. Irene Biller-Berkson
26. Jack Howard-Potter (2 in NB)
27. James J. Shay III*
28. Jeremy Entwistle
29. Jo-Ann Brody* (2 in BM)
30. Joe Chirchirillo

31. Jonathan Forrence
32. Jose Trejo Maya
33. Joshua Ruder
34. Justin A Kenney
35. Karen Petersen
36. Karl Saliter
37. Lee Wiliiams**
38. Linda Cunningham**
39. Liz Howe
40. Mark Barry (2 in NB)
41. Mark Eliot Schwabe**
42. Matt Crane**
43. Max Yawney**
44. Michael Biddy
45. Michelle Post
46. Mike Tillyer
47. Pamela Matsuda-Dunn*
48. Patrick Todd**
49. Peter Barrett
50. Philip Marshall
51. R. Douglass Rice**
52. Richard Baronio
53. Richard Criddle
54. Ronn T. Mattia
55. Sophia DiLibero
56. Stephan Fowlkes**
57. Thomas Melvin**
58. Vivien Collens**
59. Zac Ward

*Bennington Museum Only

**NB and Bennington Museum

You’re Invited!

Friday, Sep 8, 2023
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

75 Main Street, Bennington, VT 05257

Artists, click here.
Featuring music by SIRSY and stilt-walker Troy Wunderle,
plus hot dogs and PBR.

This event is accessible, free and open to the public
Hours: self-guided, open 24/7, free to the public.
Closing Date: November 11, 2023