Saturday, June 29
4:00 PM - 8:00 PM
+50 Sculptures, curated by Joe Chirchirillo
Live Music by:
The Ransom Notes
The Velvet Wave
Hot Food:
Corner of India
Traditional Hotdogs
This event is accessible, free and open to the public.

2024 Artists

Malin Abrahamsson

Bill Botzow

Dave Channon

Joe Chirchirillo

Dave Crowley and Tim Kinney with Neil Ritter

Charlet Davenport

Sophia Di Libero

Paul Dobbins

Bruce Hasse

Margaret Jacobs

David Karoff

Justin Kenney

Jack Metzger III

Jack Howard Potter

R. Douglass Rice

Mark Eliot Schwabe

David Skora

Michael Tillyer

Keith Trexler

Gerald M (Jerry) Tuckman and Monica Jo Terry

John Umphlett

Kathryn Wiegers