2020 Artists

  1. Peter Barrett “This Way”

  2. Michael Biddy "watch out!"

  3. Bill Botzow- “SCULPTURE 1”

  4. Joe Carpineto- “Skywalker”

  5. Barbara Carris, Gary Humphreys- “Trump Tower”

  6. Joe Chirchirillo “TwentyTwenty”

  7. Charlet Davenport “Stumped”

  8. Rita Dee ”Viva Christo Rey”

  9. Kristen DeFontes ”Weight of Impermanence”

  10. Alisa Del Tufo “Cloud of Unknowing”

  11. Denise Dorr “Monarchs Flowers”

  12. Brian Johnston “Old Salt”

  13. Bob Keating “High Water”

  14. Justin Kenney “_The Chorus of Laughter”_

  15. Phil Marshall “Fastball”

  16. James Meyer “Undercurrent”

  17. Binney Miegs “Maybe Mirage Maybe Not_”

  18. Matthias Neumann “basics #42”

  19. Uncle Norm “Inspiration”

  20. James Payne ‘Distraction’.

  21. Angelina Radocchia __”Circle #588”_

  22. Andrew Hamilton Reiss "just a thought"

  23. David Skora “Think Tank”

  24. Gregory Smith “Calypso” ,

  25. Bob Turan "Eduardo - the Alien Immigrant"

  26. Zac Ward “Untitled”

  27. Lee Williams “IRRADATION”

  28. Water

  29. Music

  30. Landscape


2021 Show


2019 Show